HerImpact DC Entrepreneurship Summit

HERImpact DC Summit powered by the Ford Motor Company Fund --Part 2!

Last year we kicked off the Initiative with a day long summit with over 150 attendees. Comprised of keynotes, panels and workshops, attendees learned about best practices in the social impact space, metrics and evaluation, financing and much more. 

For more information and an agenda of this great day check out https://herimpact.net/washington-dc

Join us this year on June 27th for the Second HERImpact DC Entrepreneurship Summit at Georgetown University McDonough School of Business, Hariri Building, 4th Floor Fisher Colloquium

Please be aware there is significant construction happening on campus.  We strongly suggest that you take public transportation or Lyft. Parking is available across campus, but it is not free; unfortunately, we are unable to validate. We are sorry for any inconvenience.  For more information on getting to campus check out https://transportation.georgetown.edu


Thursday, June 27, 2019

9:30 AM- 4:00 PM

Georgetown University

3700 O St NW- McDonough School of Business

Hariri Buliding- 4th floor Fisher Colloquium

Washington, DC 20057

Georgetown University

3700 O St NW- McDonough School of Business

Hariri Buliding- 4th floor Fisher Colloquium

Washington, DC 20057

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